GT Radial and Astra Daihatsu Motor Celebrated the "Daihatsu Club Tournament 2024"

GT Radial dan Astra Daihatsu Motor Merayakan "Daihatsu Club Tournament 2024"

The "Daihatsu Club Tournament 2024," held on January 21, 2024, marked the beginning of a year brimming with enthusiasm and collaborative spirit. Demonstrating appreciation for its vibrant community, Daihatsu partnered with GT Radial, a trusted OEM partner and the primary sponsor, to host the event at the Vehicle Logistic Center (VLC) and Daihatsu Sport Center (DSC) in Sunter, Jakarta.

This year's tournament showcased a diverse range of competitions, catering to all ages with events like badminton, a skill-based tire-changing contest, and informative quizzes on Daihatsu and GT Radial products, all while promoting the GoSafe driving safety campaign. Attracting over 300 participants from 19 car clubs, the event served as a dynamic platform for the Daihatsu family to connect, share, and celebrate together.

GT Radial, an integral OEM supplier for Astra Daihatsu Motor, equips a wide array of Daihatsu models—including the Daihatsu Rocky, All New Xenia, Terios, Luxio, Sigra, Ayla, and Granmax—with high-quality tires. By supporting the "Daihatsu Club Tournament 2024," GT Radial reinforces its dedication to enriching community engagements, advocating for healthy lifestyles, and enhancing awareness about driving safety through the ongoing GoSafe: Love Your Life campaign.